Monday, July 17, 2006

Just A Short Hello

From My Own Little CornerWell, I have never done anything like this before, but here goes. I am going to start writing a little everyday and maybe get some things off my chest. I am doing this because my ancestors (at least a few of them) have started rolling in their graves. I have been watching what is going on in the world and decided that I can't remain silent any longer. We have unlimited poverty, war everywhere we look, terrorism is running amok, and I fear for the future of my children and every child in this small world that we are trying to survive in. Hopefully, if we can all yell with a loud, collective voice, someone in "power" will listen. I have been watching the developments in the middle east with growing horror. I am horrified by the death and destruction that I see every day, but what appalls me the most is the thought that all these groups think that they are doing the will of GOD. If God, Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, or whatever deity they pray to were to return today, He/She would be disappointed at the least and furious at the most. It is time to stop saying that we are fighting to free people, in the name of God, for the sake of righteousness, or whatever other excuse we are giving and admit that it is plain old greed and stupidity. Now, more than ever , the time has come for all you good people to stand up and say "NO MORE!". We want peace now, we want diplomacy now, we want the starving to be fed, and we want the people making money off the misfortunes of others to step down. I'll sign off with one more thought: whoever you are, wherever you are, may your God bless and keep you. Pray for peace and enlightenment.

1 comment:

Rose F. Holt said...

I add my voice to this collective cry, ENOUGH! It is time our leaders listened to the will of the people, not the demands of the powerful.


From My Own Little Corner     I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1993, and for the next 21 years, I had no insurance. I used Urgent Care Centers,...